Wednesday 4 May 2016

Hey guys weŕe doing another math word problem, hope you like my work I did!

Math Word Problem

-competes 10 events 
-each event maximum possible score is 10 points
-to advance you need to get at least 75 points 
-first five event, willy had average score of 6.8
-on next three events his average score is 7.2
-what must willy average on his final two events in order to have a total score of exactly 75 points?


So first what we do is we add the numbers together and divide the total by the number of numbers

Total = Average * Number of numbers
Score of first 5 events = 6.8 * 5 = 34
Score for next 3 events = 7.2 * 3 = 21.6 

Total score = 75.0 
Score needed for last two events = 75.0 - 34.0 - 21.6 = 19.4 
Score for final 2 events = 19.4 / 2 = 9.7 

Therefor willy needs average of 9.7 for a perfect score. 

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Math Word Problem

-At one location it takes Manny Kerr fiver hours to cut the entire lawn
-With the push mower but only 70 minutes with the powerful riding mower
-90% of the lawn was cut using the powerful riding mower
-How many minutes did it take Manny to cut the entire lawn?

70 mins = 1 hour and 10 mins 

takes 70 mins (1 hour and 10 mins) to cut the whole lawn (100%)

90% of 70 mins or 0.90*70= 63 mins (1 hour and 3 mins). Therefor it takes 63 mins (1 hour and 3 mins) to cut 90% of the lawn.

100%-90%=10%, therefor Manny using 10% of pushing mower.

Since it takes Manny 5 hours to complete to the whole lawn with push power and 60 mins (1 hour), we can do 5*60= 300 mins, therefor it takes 300 mins (5 hours) of the lawn with push power. 

Then you take 10% and 300 mins......0.10*300= 30 mins, so it takes Manny 30 mins to cut 10% of the lawn with the push mower. 

To get the total, you need to take 63 mins and 30 mins that will get you 93 mins (63+30=93 mins). Therefor it takes 93 mins (1 hour and 33 mins) to cut the entire lawn using powerful riding mower, 90% of the job is done and 10% of the job is done, therefor 90% + 10% = 100%. so 100% of the job is done. So the answer is 93 mins (1 hour and 33 mins). 

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Practical wisdom (phronesis) is an intellectual virtue, a virtue of practical practical practical practical reasoning. Aristotle draws a distinction between theoretical reason and practical reason (§1). Also it means listen to each other, hear each other out and always take advice from each other.

I agree with his argument because everything he said is basically true because, most people don't listen to each other, they just do whatever they want without thinking or without thinking what their friends or someone telling is the right thing and true, they need to hear each other out cause who knows the fact can be true and they can be telling the truth about it. HIs fact about when people don't want to listen, think, or hear each other out is very true. His message is just listen to each other, and help each other out because that's the right thing to do!

Well i have done practical wisdom, with my family that is and my friends. What i mean by that is that i don't listen to my family members and my friends. What I mean by that is that whenever my family member tell me to do something I don't do it cause I don't LISTEN to them or just don't hear what they are saying cause i'm listening to music. When my friends tell me not to do that i do it because i'm just being stupid or i don't know what's going to happen but what my friend are saying is very true, when they say not to do it don't do it! why? cause listening to your friends is the right thing to do because they are just protecting you and also listen to  your family member as well, your mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, whoever is it! listen to them, it's the right thing to do.... Always and if you don't get it you can always watch the video that is on the very top about how to be good and how practical wisdom is really explained. Thank you and i hope you understand what i am saying.

Image result for smile emoji


Thursday 31 March 2016

Today we're writing our opening for our speech. Here you go I hope you enjoy reading my opening.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Calculating Percent
all of this is from my teacher blog Mr.Cheney

I hope you understand how to do this.
Today we did math questions on our math textbook. We did page 72-73 question number 1abc,2,3,4,5.
The picture below shows the answer to the question that was given to us.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Today I will be solving a word problem, also I will show you how to solve a word problem.

This is the word problem ^

Train= 1000 meter long
1000 meters to kilometer = 1 kilometer
Tunnel= 3000 meter long
3000 meters to kilometer = 3 kilometer

1000/3000 = 0.3333333333 * 3000 = 999.9 = 1000
3000/1000 = 3 * 1000 = 3000

30 seconds passed and the last car is just completely entered the tunnel.
so add another 30 seconds and it becomes 60 seconds so 1 minute.
it takes 1 minute for the whole train to come out of the tunnel.

1000+3000 = 4000 meter = 4 kilometer
3000-1000 = 2000 = 2 kilometer < use 2 kilometer

3600 = 1 hour
30/2 = 15
3600/15 = 240
240 * 1 = 240

therefor the train speed was 240 km/h ( km per hour)
The art piece that I have chosen is the second one. I chosed the second one because I like everything in it, the color, the meaning, and how they made everything in different color not the real way. This art is arranged this way because the artist is telling/showing us two people walking down a park or something else, while it's raining, but u cant really tell there is rain due to all the different color in it. But by so far the artist is just showing us how he made everything into different color, making the picture more real and colorful to send the message to the people who are looking at his picture that it's just two normal people, woman and an man, holding on an umbrella, and walking down a sidewalk while it's raining.

I say it does stand out a lot because the way the artist made the details into the picture, all his hard work he put into it, all the wonderful color he put in it to match of what he is showing to us and to the world, so of course it's standing out cause if you look at it the first thing you will see is the color and way he made the scene into... Showing us perfectly how there is two people walking in the rain while the woman holding the umbrella for the man. This art is really outstanding to me and hopefully to other people!.

There is a theme and as you can see in the picture, again, two people, a man and a woman, walking down a sidewalk or park, in the rain where all the lights is one and the tree are standing out with different color, and the woman is holding the umbrella for for herself and the man walking beside her. ( I will show the picture/art in the end)

Well this art is different from others i seen because i didn't see this much color in one art piece, it's just wonderful seeing something different and also i never had a thought someone would draw the theme as two people walking, while it's raining. This art is different from others.

What I like about this Picture/drawing/art

-The colors
-The theme
-I mostly like everything in the picture

What i find appealing in this art is everything, I like the color, the theme, the people, tree, lights, EVERYTHING in the picture!

When you look at the picture it just catches your eye and you get the meaning of it right away because of the work the artist put into it! Just amusing, perfect, awesome, understandable, and many other things.

And finally this is the picture I've been talking about for the whole time!

Look at it!. It's just eye catching and everything I wrote down about it, it's true!

Here are some picture related to this art

There is many more picture/drawing/art about it but i choose the ones that I liked the most. Hope you liked it

Monday 21 March 2016

i have two videos about superwoman i hope you enjoy it
- the first one is about superwoman
- second is about superman saving superwoman

First video:
Second video:
superwoman logo: 
Today we're doing a journal prompt and the topic i chosen is "If i were a superhero. I'd be....(superwoman)

< First page

< second page (back side)

Monday 7 March 2016

For my smoothie i picked ¨Green Machine¨ and i have a video of how to make the Green Machine smoothie, so here it is. ------>

1.) The benefits of the green smoothie is that itś an very healthy drink cause of all the ingredients in it like....Spinach, Chocolate protein powder, pears, peas, avocado, cucumber, and many other healthy things. if you make the healthy smoothy it will give you more energy and more power to do stuff like running, lifting weight, and other sporty stuff. But the main idea of this is that the smoothie has to be healthy, otherwise what it the point of making the smoothie if it´s not healthy and all. That is the benefit of the green smoothie, needs to be healthy!.


So the smoothie i have chose is ¨Green Machine¨. I chosed this smoothie because of the products that are in it is very healthy and good for you. The ingredients in this smoothie is 1 green apple, 1 teaspoon of Essential Living Foods barley grass juice powder, 1 lemon, 1 cucumber, peeled, 3-4 leaves of red leaves lettuce, 1/4 cup of organic fresh or frozen mango, and 8-12 of oz pure water. Then you blend it and you will get your healthy, delicious smoothie. Enjoy the taste of the healthy Green machine Smoothie! It´s very good for you and your health!

Well in this smoothie there is Bananas, Mangos, Spinach, Peas, Syrup (the liquid part), cherry, Strawberry, and maybe some blended cabbage. That is what i think that is in the smoothie. 

Monday 18 January 2016

This is my ted talk, this ted talk is about being blind. I picked this ted talk because not so many people around the world can see, so they're blind. Learning about being blind is awesome and being blind isn't that good of a thing in your life. So this woman in the ted talk is blind! But she uses this type of technology that you can use in your phone so you know where you are going! That's amazing!. It's like your phone is an eye that guides you where ever you wanna go. Well the rest is in the video, I hope you understand what am saying, learn something new, and understand what it feels like to be blind! Thank you.


The titanic is my favorite journal prompt, it's about me waking up in the titanic ship and not in my own bedroom anymore. The rest of the story is in the picture i have. Hope you enjoy reading this.  

Thursday 14 January 2016

This drawing is the eye I drew. I hope you like this eyes I drew.