Tuesday 29 March 2016

Today I will be solving a word problem, also I will show you how to solve a word problem.

This is the word problem ^

Train= 1000 meter long
1000 meters to kilometer = 1 kilometer
Tunnel= 3000 meter long
3000 meters to kilometer = 3 kilometer

1000/3000 = 0.3333333333 * 3000 = 999.9 = 1000
3000/1000 = 3 * 1000 = 3000

30 seconds passed and the last car is just completely entered the tunnel.
so add another 30 seconds and it becomes 60 seconds so 1 minute.
it takes 1 minute for the whole train to come out of the tunnel.

1000+3000 = 4000 meter = 4 kilometer
3000-1000 = 2000 = 2 kilometer < use 2 kilometer

3600 = 1 hour
30/2 = 15
3600/15 = 240
240 * 1 = 240

therefor the train speed was 240 km/h ( km per hour)

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